Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bailey Session: Part Two

Back in late August when the weather was still warm (ahhh...I miss August), I was approached by Angi who was looking for someone to take some portraits of her family. I was thrilled, seriously...but then she told me that she had a prop in mind...a rather large prop—a 1957 Chevy! Are you kidding me??? How much fun are we gonna have with that!!! My brain started formulating all kinds of fun ideas before we were even off the phone. I got online to do some visual research and couldn't find much at all...until I came to a picture of a family enjoying a picnic in front of their was so sweet and what you imagine a typical Sunday may have been like in the 1950's.

Before each session even takes place, I offer my clients a pre-session phone consultation or an inspiration board to help style the shoot. I love creating these boards. They are just as much fun for me as they are for the clients who they are (hopefully) going to inspire. However, since this session was shot, I have discovered Pinterest and let me tell you, it's beyond just inspiring, it's highly addicting!!!

But I digress...After a few weeks of gathering wardrobe options, Angi calls to tell me she is ready to finalize an appointment date and oh, by the way, a friend is lending her a vintage 50's dress that just so happens to fit the color scheme we are working with...I'm secretly doing the happy dance while we are on the phone! She also found her dad's old glasses, vintage pearl jewelry, a fedora and some cute things for her girls to wear...oh and did I mention accordions? Her parents used to play them...they are sentimental and perfect for our shoot! Look out Mad Men, you ain't got nothing on the Baily family!

Without further is their fabulous 50's flashback...For part one of this shoot, please click here.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bailey Session: Part One

Let me just start off by saying, I have been waiting FOREVER to share this session with all of you, but wanted to present them to my clients first. Well, yesterday was the viewing session so the wait is finally over!

When we were discussing the details of their session and styling the shoot, I suggested going for a look that reflected the retro style of the 50's era. As a result, we ended up with some really fun images which I will share with you tomorrow. Below are some of my favorite images from the session before we flashed back to the past.

As you may recall, the Bailey's requested a family shoot prior to selling their family's vintage 1950's Chevy. This beautiful car has been in their family for a couple generations and is now restored to it's original sassy condition. As I understand it, the car was previously owned by my client's mother who lovingly restored it and left it in her daughter's care after she passed away. According to my client, the day of her mother's memorial, the passenger side window mysteriously cracked and left a starburst pattern in the glass as you can see in a couple of the images below.

The beauty of this series is that it tells the story of a family's relationship with a truly remarkable car. It has hints of time gone by and is fun in it's own right, however, these images have special meaning to the family, especially to Mrs. Bailey who grew up riding in this classic Chevy. It was truly an honor to be a part of such a special session...Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Sunrise Christmas Eve

Happy New Year! This year, one of my goals is to blog more...not very original, I know, but it's sincere for sure! It's not that I haven't had plenty to share, or that I don't enjoy writing, but I was hoping to have a newer updated blog by now. What can I say, my hubby (aka web designer extraordinaire) has been swamped with clients too, but I'm hoping to have a beautiful new blog to call home early this year. So to ease back into blog land, I've decided to post little pieces of my life here as well as tidbits about my studio until my new blogsite is completed!

Sunset, this evening!

At any rate...How about tonight's sunset!! Wasn't it gorgeous?? These images were taken in the field behind our home...just five minutes apart! It's amazing to me how much more dramatic the colors in the sky are in the second image!