Monday, June 22, 2009

Weekend Wedding

This weekend I was honored to be asked by a fellow photographer friend to help shoot a wedding. It was a western themed wedding full of lots of fun details. My mission on Saturday was to photograph all those little details that made this weddings day so special for the bride and groom.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Alana and Hailey

This morning Alana came for her fairy portraits and her older sister thought it looked like fun, so she joined in too. They were both so much fun and a real pleasure to photograph!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Introducing the new green Fairy Costume!!!

My mom has been hard at work sewing all these beautiful costumes. We have all the pink fairy costumes done and now we are adding in other colors beginning with green!

Becca and Alexis

I had some extra special fairies visit me two nieces Becca and Alexis. They were very experienced at having their picture taken and made my job so easy!