So here it first blog entry...well, maybe not my
very first, if you factor in my other two blogs—but who's counting?
One of the most rewarding aspects of blogging is sharing my little world with all of you. In this case, my little world is all about big surprise there, right!
I am so excited to announce that my new
photography website is now live. Still working out a few kinks, but for the most part it is done! This was really a labor of love because Dan and I designed it together...which made me realize how much I really miss design work. It was so rewarding to see Dan take my designs and ideas and incorporate them into a functional website (which by the way, is so much more tedious and involved that I ever really knew). Dan did such an amazing job. I've always thought he was a fabulous designer, but this time he really knocked it out of the park—I love how it all turned out, but even beyond that is how touched I was at his seemingly tireless effort and dedication which ensured that all the little details were taken care of...thank you, thank you, thank you!!!